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What is Acupuncture?

Several thousand years ago, East Asian practitioners discovered that the body forms disharmonies as a result of the various physical and mental stresses of life.  Oriental medical theory explains these disharmonies as an imbalance of opposing forces called yin and yang. This imbalance disrupts the movement of the body's vital energy (qi) along the meridian pathways, which are channels through which the body's energy is thought to flow. Acupuncture restores the smooth flow of qi. By inserting and manipulating hair-thin needles at specific points, I am able to return the body to its natural balance and promote the body's ability to heal itself.

Acupuncture returns the body to its
natural state of balance and harmony.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Yes!  Modern research has shown that acupuncture is a safe, effective, chemical-free way to promote the body's remarkable self-healing abilities.  An acupuncture treatment involves the insertion and manipulation of flexible, hair-thin needles at specific points on the body. Most patients find the sensations produced by acupuncture treatment to be deeply relaxing both mentally and physically.

Acupuncture is used by millions of Americans every year.  More and more doctors are recommending their patients try acupuncture every year.  Acupuncturists are required to undergo extensive education, including detailed study of human anatomy and training in Clean Needle Technique.  The State of California requires completion of a master's level of education or higher in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine prior to taking comprehensive state board exams.  As required by law, I use pre-sterilized, disposable, single-use needles to ensure your complete safety.  More information on acupuncture can be found by visiting